Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fancy glasses, 7 up, Nacho, food, rain, tears, and sleep.

Those are the things that make me feel better when I'm down today.

I enjoy drinking 7 up, or any clear soda, out of wine glasses. I am just lying in bed with a wine glass and 2 liter of 7 up right now. It makes me feel special and "sophisticated" for a minute! haha Kinda strange, but whatever floats your boat, right!

Nacho Libre never ceases to make me smile and laugh. AND I just found deleted scenes which are hilarious and make my life slightly happier.

Food is ALWAYS my best friend. It's always there for me when I need something to make me feel better. It's the best stuff ever. Chocolate, ice cream, cheese crackers, and candy are
probably the best feel good foods. haha

Ahhh rain. I LOVE rain. It is a beautiful thing and it is so peaceful. I love running in it or walking in it. I did today and it made me feel LOADS better, even if there were creepy men creeping on me, driving past me 3 times or just yelling out the window.... Oh Main Street.

Whoever says that crying doesn't fix anything is a liar. Crying makes me feel LOADS better. Everyone needs a good cry every once in a while.

When I'm stressed, I just sleep to get away from everything. I love to sleep. Without enough, I am not a happy camper. haha

These are the things that I have with me today and the things I am doing. I am trying to feel better and it's working... a little.

-M. Philly

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